Our Minister: Rev. Karlene Kimber
Karlene is a diaconal minister who has been serving with Belmont United Church since 2019. She was commissioned as a diaconal minister in 2021. She brings with her experiences in serving in team ministry, children and youth ministry, community chaplaincy and interfaith hospital chaplaincy. She is passionate about nurturing and building life-giving community, accompanying and encouraging others on their faith journey and fostering peaceful, right relationships in the church and in the world. Karlene seeks to meet people where they are – encouraging, supporting and walking with them on this sacred journey of life and faith that we share. She finds great joy and gratitude in her calling!
Ministers Message
Welcome to Belmont United Church!
We hope you will find this community to be a place where you can grow in faith and journey together with others through the ups and downs, and joys and challenges of life.
We are glad you are here.
One of the hopes we have for our church website is that it will empower and enable us to more fully live out our ministry and mission.
We pray that it will help us to connect, serve and continue building relationships with God, one another and the wider world…and that it will help us to tell and continue to write the story of our faith and life together here at Belmont United Church.
We hope you will come and worship, serve and grow with us!
Peace and blessings,
Rev. Karlene
Our organist and music director: Susan Marshall
Susan is a music teacher, accompanist and choir director in the London / St. Thomas area and has been the Music Director at Belmont United Church since 2019. Having a background in varied liturgical traditions as well as experience with numerous choirs gives Susan a depth to draw from in providing music that inspires and supports the services at BUC. Susan brings a varied mix of musical styles, from Anglican and chant, to traditional anthems, to contemporary gospel and worship songs.
Music plays a vibrant role in both the worship and social life here at Belmont United Church. Our services seek to incorporate a variety of music to deepen our collective prayer and praise
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